Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Days 10-14: Lazy Winter Days

It. Is. Cold.  January is not my favorite, any year (and let's be honest, February too).  But this year, bundling over a giant bump, while trying to bundle a toddler and get in and out is rough.  Our big weekend adventure on Saturday was the nature museum (yep, we were there once this year already - I am sensing what will become a recurring theme).  We stumbled upon a story time and activity all about owls in the kid's play area, and C was totally fascinated.

Day 10: "Hey mom, look at my new owl"

Sunday was laziness embodied.  We didn't do much.  It was great.  When C woke up from his nap, I snuck my camera in with me and snapped a few shots just as he was waking up.

Day 11: C and his tags

Monday was a super fun morning.  C had swimming class and then we met friends at Kookaburra Play Cafe (still need to finish that darn punch card before they are officially out of business).  When en route from one to the other (and the car was parked), I turned back to take a photo of C in his car seat.  He looked at me, held up his baseball like a camera, and said, "Mom, I'll take your picture too." Too, too cute.

Day 12: "Mom, I'll take your picture too"

Monday night, I grabbed my camera again, because I didn't love the pics from the morning.  And I ended up capturing quite a few bathtub gems. He is always so expressive in there, and all soggy and sweet, he ends up looking pretty angelic...til the splashing begins at least.

On Tuesday afternoon, C woke up on the wrong side of the crib and was all sorts of defiant.  I grabbed this shot of him refusing to get up off the floor and start his afternoon post nap.

Day 13:  Get up? Never.

Finally, today we had our first session of gymnastics after a long winter break hiatus.  Chasing him there is a full-time job, so I definitely didn't even try to take any pictures.  But on a whim, I grabbed my camera at the water fountain - one of C's favorite things.  He always ends up drenched, and honestly it is probably a germ-filled cesspool, but if it motivates him to head toward the exit (it's right by the door), then I don't care. Ah, parenting. Isn't it grand?

Day 14: My thirsty boy

Friday, January 9, 2015

Days 6-9: Hello Polar Vortex

The weather outside has been frightful indeed.  Tuesday was a quiet day, with C back at preschool.  I had a profoundly uneventful doctor's appointment, where I got to hear that baby is doing a good job cooking and is still comfy and cozy in there.

Day 6: Lots of obstetrics tools that aren't making my baby come any faster

On Wednesday, we were cooped up at home waiting for carpet cleaners and riding out the freezing temps, since the high was a whopping one degree.  On a whim, I grabbed my camera and captured C having a ball jumping on the bed.  He was so darn cute, and was such a good sport staying home all day long.  

Day 7: Jumping on the bed

Thursday was much tougher, as far as sanity went. I'd be lying if I said that we weren't driving each other a bit crazy by 8 a.m. (even on a preschool day, no less).  I snapped a quick pic during a stand-off battle with C not willing to put on his jacket.  Gotta find the beauty in every situation, right?

Day 8:  No I will not put on my coat

After nap, we hung out at home and were lazy.  My third trimester energy is pretty low. Highlight of the afternoon was creating an indoor pond, one of C's new favorite indoor activities. It is messy and wet and silly, and while it normally will occupy him for quite a while, of course on Thursday he had dumped a TON of water out and then lost interest completely.  Ah, the joys of parenthood.

Today we spent the morning with our pals, and I had the luck of taking an adorable little girl (who may or may not have the best name - since we share it), and it reminded me of the relative ease to come of photographing minimally mobile babies.  Toddlers are so tough in that respect (you know, and all others too).  

Day 9: Hello Baby Rachel!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Days 3 - 5: So it seems we have strep

Having a long weekend with dad around was so exciting, and lo and behold, toddler germs stepped in and squashed quite a bit of the planned fun right out of it.  We were hoping to have all sorts of time for family fun, but ended up being mostly restricted to errands and quality time at home (not terrible, but when you add fever, projectile vomit and what turned out to be strep to the equation, it lead to a crabby toddler and loooooong days).

Before the real symptoms kicked in, we went to get the boys haircuts.  We spent the rest of the day in, once it became apparent that C was legitimately ill.  Still unclear at that point with what...

Day 3: New Year New Do

Already surfing the net like a grown man - aka best distraction technique ever

On Sunday, we spent most of our day at home.  Highlights of Colin's day included a shower with dad (which makes his day every time - this was my first time actually photographing the joy of it) and a brief stint in shoveling our first big snow of the year.  Colin decided his section would be the tree lawn, and proceeded to rearrange snow in areas that didn't matter.  Still, after being cooped up inside, a little bit of fresh air was much needed.

Day 4: Shower fun with Dad

And a bonus cameo from little baby Miles, world's cutest sleepy baby-
can't wait til his cousin decided to hit the eject button and join him

Today, Monday, Day 5, was spent at the pediatrician's office and then at home.  We discovered that strep can indeed cause vomiting (who knew?!), and we got to pick up the magic pink medicine that should knock this strep right out of C's system.

The only silver lining is we got a "train room" at the doctor's office (a few of the patient rooms have large windows that face the "L" tracks), and Colin was thoroughly content to stare out and yell every time he saw a train (every 2 minutes or so).  Since it was a mad house there, we got to see a TON of trains, and I whipped out my camera for a couple minutes to grab a few shots (which sadly were mostly overexposed - I blame the sleep deprivation and craziness of a sick-child household.  Still, did as much as I could in post-processing to make the best of what I captured).

Day 5: I see you, train


What I'm loving about the Project 365 so far is that it is very rare for me to take out my camera to take just one shot.  I'm building a library of great photos beyond just the special occasion moments when I used to reach for my DSLR.  Plus I am already noticing myself "see" things with a more artistic eye - thinking of ideas for moments I want to capture on future lazy days at home and on other mundane errands and such.  I think it's going to be a fun year.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Day Two: This is me

Day 2:  This is me.  Large and in charge.

Hi again.  Your friendly aspiring photog, this time in front of the camera, thanks to my handy tripod and remote (and occasionally with the assistance of my hubby to press the button after I establish the camera settings, so I don't have to deal with the remote).  Every 4 weeks or so, I have been taking bump photos, and as of today, I am full term.  I'm glad that this time around, I am really I have taken the time to properly document the belly. With C, I have a good number of blurry iPhone bump shots, so I figure that this time, I can do it right, even if it's less frequent.

Before the weekend is over, we'll try to cobble together some kind of family maternity session with the remote.  Between an unshaven and unshowered husband and a pink-eye-a-rific toddler, today was not the day.  But they did stand in for a couple test shots, and I snapped one great shot of me and little man, with both of us actually smiling and looking.  Huge victory in the Colin photography department.

And finally, here is the puppyface, Ms. Kenzie B2 Underfoot, our darling labradoodle.  Having a shaggy black haired puppy makes her a constant challenge when it comes to photography.  She has been known to draw commentary for her nearly non-visible eyes between haircuts. She was just curled up by my feet as I set up the tripod, so before I put everything away, I had to snap a quick pic. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 1: Hello and Happy New Year

2015.  Hello.

In the past, I have been overly ambitious with New Years resolutions, but this year, I am going a bit easy on myself. Because I am due at the end of the month, my primary goal is to not hold myself to unattainable standards as we transition from one child to two and to do my best to maintain some modicum of self care.  I want to lose this baby weight by the end of 2015, which seems more than reasonable. My one big stretch goal is the reason for this new blog. 

This year, I want to take one photo each day. 

Last April, I completed a certificate program in photography, and instead of a summer of intense practice, I spend my summer in survival mode, trying not to puke my guts out while chasing a toddler through all of my first and over half of my second trimester.

So not only will taking a photo a day help push me to practice and hone my craft, but by paying attention more to the day-to-day happenings, I'm hoping that this "Project 365" helps me slow down and appreciate the beauty in the every day. To notice the details. To better record our memories, not just from vacations, exciting outings and more picturesque situations, but from the lazy afternoons at home and our regular jaunts in the neighborhood. 

Of course, we started off today at a loss of what to do to pass the time with a toddler on New Years Day, and we discovered that the Nature Museum is actually open on New Years. Winning.  So of course I brought my camera along, and I actually captured a few great shots (including my selfie above - today's official picture).  

One of my primary subjects this year - the hubby, best dad and partner in crime

Primary subject #2 - the toddler who is rarely willing to look at the camera
and actually smile. Chief household troublemaker, biggest bundle of energy.

Not pictured today:  the baby bump (soon to be little brother to the blondie above) and the puppy, who will both certainly be seen around these parts frequently.

If anyone sees this and feels inspired to join me in a Project 365, please let me know!  I don't expect to update the blog (or even upload the photos from my camera) daily, but ideally this blog will be updated weekly with what I've been up to over the course of a week.  See you soon!